You agree to Radboud University storing your first name, last name, and email address, which you submit when creating an account.
The user will not abuse the service, any malicious activity is strictly prohibited.
Any data on the site is confidential unless stated otherwise, and should be handled as such.
The user agrees to not copy or spread any data or information found on the site, unless given permission or if the license allows it.
The user is responsible for making sure that laws and copyrights are followed when submitting data.
The user's account can be terminated or access limited without a notice, if the user fails to comply with the rules.
When requesting account termination, the user name will not be deleted, but other personal information attached to the account will be removed. If the user wishes to have anonymity, a pseudonym should be used as the user name.
When submitting data to a dataset, it will be licensed according to the license specified for that dataset, and the user agrees to hand over any remaining copyrights to the maintainer of the dataset.
Removal of data (videos, pictures, text) is only possible if the dataset manager agrees to it. The user should keep this in mind before submitting any data.